Welcome to Dental ImplantsTeeth in a Day.
Great Service.


Welcome to
Dental Implant CentreA new, healthy smile in just one day

Here at Dental Implant Centre, we specialise in creating the perfect smile. After an initial consultation, a 2-3 hour dental implant procedure will see your teeth transform remarkably. Get in touch now to begin your journey to the smile you have always wanted.

How Implant Works



We’ll take a look at the current state of your teeth, take some x-rays, some molds and maybe a CT scan to make a plan for how to progress your case.


Teeth in a day

Once the assessment has been done, and a plan formed that you are happy with, appointments will be made for the


Follow up

The teeth that you leave the first
appoint­ment with are temporary. They act as good-as-new but do not have the strength to take the long term wear-and-tear of eating and chewing.

Our Doctors

foto_Andrew Newsom

Andrew Newsom

BSc, BDS, DipClinDent (Pros), DClinDent (Pros), MRACDS (Pros)

Andrew began his dental career at the University of Otago in 1996. He worked in the UK for 6 years completing a diploma at the Eastman Dental Institute, London. He completed his specialist degree in Prosthodontics at Sydney University and works as a consultant for Tauranga Public Hospital. He has been working and living with his family in Tauranga since 2004 and has been involved with complex implant cases for over 15 years.

foto_Andrew Newsom

John Bridgman


A New Zealander by birth, John completed his Dental Degree at Otago University in 1990. He became interested in the surgical aspects of dentistry whilst working as a dentist at Christchurch Hospital for two years after graduation. 

Why Choose Us

Our experienced team guarantees the highest standard of work in a convenient, affordable manner

24 Hour Emergency Service

15 Years of Experience

Offering Sedation Services

Dental Specialists

Work with Most Insurance Plans

Flexible Payment Options

We Made them All Happy

What Our Patients Say About Us

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